A lot to see and to do in SP

(image: Heitor Carvalho Jorge Wikimedia Commons)
São Paulo became an international touristic destination, for those who enjoy big city life and culture.

 The image compositon on the left shows:
- Catedral da Sé (a neo-gothic cathedral right at the precise center of the city)
- Pinheiros River and modern archictecture of Avenida Berrini. Notice the Tishman Speyer high building.
- The red colums of MASP (Museum of Art of São Paulo), designed by the architect Lina Bo Bardi.
- Museu do Ipiranga (neo-classic museum about the Independence of Brazil).
- Monumento as Bandeiras, by the sculptor Vitor Brecheret, near our most important park (Parque Ibirapuera).
- Ponte Estaiada by the Rio Pinheiros.
- Skyline of the great town of São Paulo.

All sports in São Paulo

There are many places to play Golf! Like the Sao Paulo Golf Club http://www.spgc.com.br/. Check other options at the link http://www.guiadasemana.com.br

There is no ski resort in tropical brazilian climate, but that doesn't prevent us from snowboarding or skiing. A fun mountain to go any time of the year is the Ski Park, 54 km from São Paulo. The tracks are covered with something like white plastic strong brushes, it is the biggest artificial terrain in south america, and it is considered intermediate difficulty under international standards http://www.skipark.com.br/

There is Wet'n Wild near SP!! We don't need to explain much about this one :)

(photo Kance wikimedia commons)
Dozens of places to play tennis too, like www.playtennis.com.br or http://sumaresports.com.br/

Sail at the lake of Represa Guarapiranga (dam)! Rent a small boat, or take some sailing classes! Try Pera Nautica 

Bixiga, an italian part of town

Bixiga italian restaurants (photo: Dornicke, wikimedia commons)
São Paulo has a very strong italian community, it is the third largest city of italians in the world, after Rome and NY. Bixiga has a good night life. If you want to listen goof music check Café Piu Piu, and for strong drinks like many types of cachaça (aguardente) and caipirinha Rancho Nordestino. They also serve good food from northeast (nordeste) of Brazil.

But the best thing about this neighbourhood are the italian cantinas (italian family restaurants) all over the place, and they have a nice antique fair on Sundays. Check our map.

You will find italian restaurants in many other areas of São Paulo. A good tip is to have a Polpetone a Parmegiana (it is a type of seasoned meat loaf, shaped like a hamburguer, but much tastier, with sauce and cheese). Photo from Guia Folha, Jardim de Napoli Restaurant.
(photo: Dornicke, wikimedia commons)
Beatriz Toledo/Folha Imagem

Avenida Paulista

(photo "João..." wikicommons)
Avenida Paulista is the finantial heart of São Paulo, it is a really impressive avenue, full of banks, offices and busy people.

You easily get there by Metro (subway). There are many places to visit along that avenue like Itau Cultural, Masp, Parque Trianon, Masp Sunday Antique Fair, and many places to eat , shop and enjoy a cold beer.
(photo Heitor Carvalho Jorge, wikimedia commons)
(photo Leticia M Tavares wiki commons)

Our Chinatown fun and tasty

(Caio do Vale, wikimedia commons)
Liberdade is the name of a very important oriental neighbourhood. It is our Chinatown. A bit caothic, as they should be :)

Go there by Metro (subway station Liberdade) on Sunday and enjoy an open street fair of crafts and great food! The fair also happens on Saturday, but not as big as the Sunday fair.

Get there before 12:00 or 13:00 not later, or you will find the place too packed with people.

There are many great japanese and chinese shops there.
Food will be cheap. You may also find some japanese equipment, like knives and electric rice pans... but some imported articles are not cheap in Brazil, as they are taxed heavily to incentivate national products. My favorite japanese store is Marukai, at Rua Galvão Bueno 34 check the Map

São Paulo is a metropolitam touristic destination

Teatro Municipal (photo: Dornicke, wikimedia commons)
Big city life. São Paulo has a lot to offer, just like New York, Paris or London. In many ways is more lively than those cities.

Because we had a strong european and asian immigration the city culture is very diverse. Here you can find the finest restaurants with food from all over the world, and even dishes and specialties from many brazilian regions.

Museums, art galleries, parks, bars, night clubs, sports, theaters, music concerts, golf, shopping malls, brazilian fashion, business fairgrounds, antique open fairs, chinatown, parties, public events, free programs... you can really find anything in São Paulo.
Vale Anhangabau and Edifício Matarazzo (photo: Dornicke, wikimedia commons)

Parque Ibirapuera

(photo Dornicke wiki commons)
This is the most important park in São Paulo. A place to relax, walk, play some sports, visit many museums, and check a live music free concert.

The Obelisco is our monument to the 1932 Constitutionalist Revolution of the State of São Paulo.

The park is big, and has many lakes, gardens and places to shill out. Some more info about this park in wikipedia.